Monday, October 20, 2014

Travel: Durham

So a couple of days ago, I headed to Durham for a little day trip with some of the International Society ladies. It was a beautiful quaint little town just fifteen minutes away from Newcastle, hence so incredibly convenient to just swing by for a peek. The city was a lot smaller than I'd expected, and the pace of life was so much slower compared to that of Newcastle. Maybe I'm too used to the life in Newcastle that trying to picture myself studying and living in Durham is just......boring.

From the top of the Durham Cathedral Tower
We visited the Durham Cathedral which was a UNESCO world heritage site but I wasn't exactly wowed by it because I'm not good at appreciating architectural beauty. But what blew me away was the view from the top of the cathedral tower. Seeing the entire city enshrouded in trees and lakes and acres and acres of land in its autumn glory was just amazing. Maybe I'm just a big picture kinda person, hah.

Cod Fish & Chips from Bells
And of course, we ended our trip with what is probably the best fish & chips I've had in this country so far at Bells Fish Restaurant. The fish wasn't swimming in oil like most restaurants' and the layer of batter coating the fish was just enough to give it a little crunch and not overpowering the taste of the cod. The chips were also nice and crisp without being too starchy. Ughhhhhh even talking about it now is making me crave for it.

Bells Fish Restaurant and Takeaways
Market Square, Durham City
11 Market Place, Durham
Tel: 0191 384 8974

Wow two posts in a week?! Watch out guys, I'm on a roll here.

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