Sunday, March 8, 2015


It's hard to believe that I've been in the UK for almost six months now, which is also six months since I've stepped foot in my home country Singapore. But these six months have forced me to grow so much more independent than I already am, and I am infinitely thankful for that. It has also allowed me to view the world in a greater perspective and to become so much more appreciative of the country I was born into and grew up in.

As long as I can remember, I've always wanted to leave Singapore.

But now that I've gotten the chance to, all I want to do is go back.

Perhaps the next two years spent studying in the UK will further teach me to cope with leaving the people I love behind, and getting used to people leaving in general. Everyone's growing up and going after their chosen paths. I couldn't be happier for them, but at the same time I can't help looking back at the past and constantly wishing to go back in time.

In other news, it's one week to Easter break!

Which is also one week till two of my essays are due.
One week till I'm back in Singapore. (yay!)
Two weeks till I'm in Bangkok with my sister.
Three weeks till I'm in Cambodia with my family.

The next one month is going to be jam-packed with activities and excited would be an understatement right now!

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