Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Travel: Open Water Diver Course in Tioman

Somewhere between the project deadlines and upcoming presentations, I have somehow managed to squeeze a weekend out (12-14 July) and headed to Tioman Island in Malaysia with the school's diving club to take my PADI Open Water Divers' Course!

Things I remember from the trip:
1. Being severely seasick and seasick pills didn't help (coke on the other hand, did)
2. Having pineapples thrown at me and subsequently having schools of fishes swimming towards me. I freaked and screamed and struggled to swim away as fast as my fat limbs could carry me.
3. Ramly burgers.
4. Getting quite badly burnt because guess who didn't put any sunblock on.
5. Seeing a dolphin swimming alongside our boat.
6. Jumping off the boat with only our swimsuits on.

(photos in no particular order)

Was an extremely small group that went on this trip, but extremely fun nonetheless :-)

Me struggling as I get out of the water because the tank was sooooooo heavy :X the boat guy practically had to pull me up after each dive lol

Me being excited underwater lulz

I look terrible here T_T

This post is approximately a month late but I figured I had to get this out before the next diving trip in September (I'll be doing the advanced open water course), and whilst  I still have a little bit of free time even though exams are coming up pretty soon :X


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